
Tuesday Update 9/6/11

· Check the calendar on the back of the home folder to see if they had an “opps”. Please initial next to the “opps” if they did. Thanks for your support in helping keep our classroom behavior a priority.

· ME BAGS are past due and they are the first social studies grade. Please help your child put theirs together and send in tomorrow. Include a photo of family, item representing hobby, favorite book, and any other item that is special.

· If you have not done so please send in $5 for our first grade T-shirt and a spare set of clothes in a Ziploc baggie (which will be returned at the end of the year).

· We are continuing to review letter sounds and learning the routines of the new phonics program this week. This Friday will be our first phonic assessment. Letter and letter sounds will be assessed.

· THANKS to all that have grabbed giving gators at Meet the Teacher and Open House. You have gone above and beyond for our class! We are so thankful for all you do! Please send in your item if you grabbed a gator when you can.

· The PTO Coin Drive has begun; send in your loose change! We want to win! Our class has to be the heaviest!

· Check your food for box tops.

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