
Monday Update...9/19/11

It's A Long One!!

·         Phonics- Red/Yellow-All short vowels (a,e,i,o,u) used in cvc words and cvc words used in sentences.  CVC words means consonant, vowel, consonant words such as get, fun, hop, mat, bit.  Green/Blue- Review cvc words and cvc words in sentences and introduce digraphs: wh, sh, ch, th, ck.  Digraphs stick together to form one sound. 
·         Look in your child’s folder at the sight words on the second page.  Make sure they have their sight words highlighted for the first 4 weeks or they need to keep working on them.  I assessed all 4 weeks this week for a grade.  At the end of the nine weeks they will need to know all 8 weeks.  Also please read each night and use the retell hand to ask questions! 
·         Thanks to "student" family for coming out and supporting our school at SAC meeting last Tuesday!!!
·         We had our first WOW Bag Vocabulary winner!! Keep using those vocabulary words and sight words each week.  Vocabulary this week: needs, train, adorable, dear, sensible
·         Please complete math homework in pencil and return it the next day for full credit.  The math requires a lot of reading and your child will need your help to complete math until they can begin to read the math on their own. This week students will have a PART PART WHOLE mat sent home will a baggie of counters for them to complete the homework.   Please return the mat and counters the next day. 
·         Last week and this week we took a practice comprehension tests.  The students read the FCAT Weekly Assessment story by themselves.  We then passed out the 5 questions quiz and they had to complete the quiz.  We went over them with the students in small group to help with test taking mistakes and introduce test taking strategies to find the right answer.  We are sending the stories home so they can read them for practice if that is what your child needs to become a more fluent reader. 
·         T-shirt Money due Friday, September 30th! Thanks to all who have turned there’s in. We want to order the shirts the first of October so they are here for our PTO program on Tuesday, November 15th at 7:00pm!  Our play this year will be Folk Songs which will blend well with our Tall Tales and Folk Tales we begin next week! 
·         The PTO Coin Drive is in full swing; send in your loose change!  We want to win!  Our class has to be the heaviest to get the pizza party! 
·         I added the class newsletters to our class website under “CLASSROOM NEWS” in the navigation bar.  If you are not using Internet Explore it will look weird. Try using the new Google Chrome which is compatible with the class website.
·         Check your food for box tops. J THANKS FOR DOING THIS!
·         THANKS to all that have grabbed giving gators at Meet the Teacher and Open House.  You have gone above and beyond for our class!  We are so thankful for all you do! Please send in your item if you grabbed a gator when you can. 
·         SCHOLASTIC orders were place and should be here soon!!! NEW books!!!
·         $1.00 Pickle Fridays

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