
Monster boxes

Making fun monster boxes for our fall treats was super fun yesterday!!

Let's add!!

We use our counters and number lines to add! Next week we start adding some bigger numbers to get sums up to 20!



We use our mouth to taste. We can taste salty, sweet and sour things! They tasted a sour patch kid, a salty cracker, and a sweet chocolate chip cookie! They also tasted foods that look alike but taste different and foods that look different but tastd alike (Salt and sugar and lemonade and pink lemonade). Ask them what tasted the same and what tasted different!


5 Senses- Odors or Aromas

We have been covering the five senses in science which has been a blast for children. We first did an m and m activity where they used their 5 senses to describe it. Yesterday we began our five senses book and they enjoyed it. The book has many text features In it which is what our comprehension skill is right now. There were headings and labels and the kids could have not been more excited. For sight they each put on a blind fold to experience how it felt to not have sight and they used magnifying glasses to experience how reading glasses work. The sense of hearing was a bit more laid back. We discussed what the different sounds we hear mean such as a fire alarm, the door bell, or our class chime. They also picked out tools to protect your ears out of an assortment of materials. My favorite was the sense of smell. I prepared bags with cotton swabs soaked in various materials. The students had to open the bag and take a whiff to determine if it was an aroma or an odor. The learning and excitement was contagious and the laughter was music to my soul. I love these kids and I feel like they are so enjoying their year thus far. I plan on catching you up and being better about posting. The beginning of the year if always tough for me to find my grove. :)


Sprint to 100

We are in the middle of our place value unit and the kids are enjoying it! Today we played the game sprint to 100. Ask the kids how we played? They rolled a dice and put out ones until they could bundle for a ten. No one got to bundle ten tens today for a hundred today but there is always tomorrow! We are also counting, read, and write our numbers to 120. We are counting on from any number, for example if I tell them 75 they need to be able to count on from there. We are also using a number line to put numbers in order. I will take a picture of our number line activity tomorrow if I remember.


Be Banana

Sometimes you just gotta go bananas.  These guys love to learn but we also love to have fun and be kids!  Thanks for letting them be mine this year...I love them already!


Classroom community

Self portraits, decorating our writing journals, having discussion about books as we gear up to begin read to self. What a fantastic group of children!!



Our class will be use 1-2-3 Magic for Teachers this year.  I have so enjoyed reading this book over the summer and I am ready to get started utilizing it with my students this year.

If students are following our classroom expectations they will be able to earn sticks to shop on Friday in the school store.  If students are not following the rules they will receive a count of 1, then a 2, and then a 3.  Each time they receive a count they have to move their star to the appropriate number on the board.  When they reach 3 they will take a 5 minute time out or may receive a stick fine. 

We will be using the class calendar which is located on the back sleeve of the home folder to document behavior in our classroom.  If your child follows the rules they will have a stamp on their calendar.  If your child receives a count of 3 a three will be written in the calendar.  It will need to be initialed that night by the parent/guardian or they will miss out on recess the next day.   

PBS (Positive Behavior Support):
This year each class will have a lanyard.  Non-instructional staff will be awarding charms this year for whole class behavior and individual behavior.  When a charm is earned it is added to the class lanyard and when we collect 20 charms we get to roll a dice.  The numbers on the dice represent different incentives.  Those incentives may be determined by administration, the teacher, and students.  Students can still earn ABC BUCKs and when 20 have been earned by the class a charm will be added to the PBS lanyard.  

** changed from what was sent home today. 


Meet the Teacher

Perfect to meet 13 out of 19 students. Hearing their voices and excitement is a high for any teacher! I am pumped to get this year started. Pray for a smooth week as we embark on a new school year full of learning and fun!

Can't wait for the book drawing on Monday!


Busy Official First Day Back

After a day full of meetings we got to work in our rooms! Progress progress progress!!! Cannot wait to meet you all on Friday!!!



Meet the Teacher
Friday, August 17th 2:30-4:00 (Bring your Raffle ticket)

Class Supply List
  • 1 pencil box
  • 2 boxes of 24 count Crayola crayons
  • 1 box of Crayola colored pencils
  • 24 number 2 yellow pencils
  • 5 glue sticks
  • 1 red spiral notebook
  • 1 composition notebook (black and white)
  • 1 bottle of hand sanitizer with a pump
  • 1 package of thin tipped dry erase markers. (black)
  • 1 box of tissues
  • 1 container of Clorox/Lysol disinfectant wipes
  • Backpack (no wheels)
Please do not write your child’s name on the items as they will be utilized as the class needs them.
$8 for 1st grade t-shirt
· All students must bring in a spare change of clothes (shirt, pants, underwear, and socks). Please put in a labeled Ziploc baggie.
· Students must not ever wear flip flops to school.
1st Grade Open House
Thursday, August 23rd 6:15-6:45 PM

Welcome Year 2012-2013


clip_image004Hi! My name is Mrs. Whitehurst and I am so excited to be a part of the JBE first grade team! Most importantly, I am THRILLED to be your teacher! It’s going to be a fun year full of lots of learning and new adventures and I can’t wait to see what the year has in store for us. I want to know ALL about you, but first I’m going to tell you a few things about me.

I was born in Tampa, FL and I am the oldest of NINE! When I graduated from High School, I moved to Gainesville to attend the University of Florida…GO GATORS! I majored in Elementary Education and couldn’t wait to graduate and start teaching.

First grade is the most fantastic grade and I have been blessed to have taught it for five years! You all are going to learn so many wonderful new skills this year. We will work together to read new books, and dive into comprehending our own reading, while staying busy with math tools, science experiments, and journaling away in our everyday writing.

I am married to a wonderful man, Mr. Adam, who is a farmer at Whitehurst Cattle Company. He raises cattle, grows watermelons in the spring and peanuts in the summer. We have the cutest animals too! Sadie is a Chihuahua who is ten years old and Lily, our brown tabby cat is nine! Our newest addition to the family is Remi our rambunctious outside puppy who will be one year in December.

I am so excited to be your “COACH” and for you to be a part of this AWESOME, all star “TEAM” we have lined up for Room 006.  This is going to be a CHAMPIONSHIP year!


Photo (Scrappin Doodles)


2 Digit Addition and T-Charts

Students have been learning about 2 digit addition. We add our ones place value first and then our tens! We even talked about estimation on Friday. I had a few looks from kids thinking I was crazy, but I want them to have heard about it prior to hitting the concept hard in second grade. We also have thrown out the trusty venn and have moved into a same and different t-chart which has help some students organize their thinking!

Spring Carnival

Lots of paint and lots of smiles!!!