
A Week of Performing!

Check out the stars of JBE Folk Song Express! I am partial but are they not the cutest! We have practiced over a week for this performance and kids were ready to perform for their peers and families! We had speaking parts, solo, special acting parts, and our spotlight dance to “This Land is Our Land!”


Mrs. Austin, our music teacher does a great job with the kids and gets them excited to sing their sweet hearts out! We have continued to compare and contrast this week!  On Tuesday they compared and contrasted these two photos independently.


Look at their awesome Venn Diagrams! A parent from another class who helped out with the play brought in juice and snacks on Wednesday to congratulate each class from Tuesday nights performance.  They enjoyed the cookies and juice! P1030249P1030248

We reached our 2nd round of 20 charms and Mrs. Lewis came to our room to roll the BIG DICE!!!! P1030250P1030251P1030253P1030254

We rolled a 4 and are planning our chalk and snack party for next Monday or Tuesday!  Today was such a great day for feasting in our class.  We had 9 parents come in for our family feast.  We got our thanksgiving meal from the lunch room and headed back to the room to eat with your families and friends.  After we had some delicious desserts….pumpkin pie and whipped cream, rice crispies, brownies, and sugar cookies!  The students had a hay day over the sweets. 


After lunch we headed out to recess to burn off some of those sweets and then we watched the other half of first grade perform their program for us.  I hope it went as well tonight as it did for our crew on Tuesday!

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