
Monday Update…December 13th

· Both reading classes will stay on s-blends this week. The s blends are sc, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, st, sw. The rhyme we have taught students to help with sc and sk is…K takes i and e. C takes the other three. What are the other three? a, o, and u. So they have to listen for the vowel sound to know which one to use. I hope this helps you support their learning at home.

· Read your passage for 1 minute each night! We have seen how this is helping your child have reading stamina on FAIR testing and on our monthly OPM’s!

· Remember to send in your $2 dollars for our Winter Wonderland on Tuesday December 14th! Our CLASS WINTER WONDERLAND will be Wednesday the 15th (8:30-10:30, Thursday the 16th (8:30-10:30. If you want to come and help run a center and you haven’t already let me know please send in a note so that we can plan accordingly!

· FRIDAY is an EARLY RELEASE at 12:20!!!!! Happy holidays!

· To cut down on the time it takes I only have been sending home the Behavior Passports that need to be seen and signed. Please continue to check the last sleeve to see if your child received a whole punch as a reminder of our class behavior.

· The Kindergarten PTO program is at 7:00 on Tuesday and Thursday. They are accepting chocolate chip cookies and brownies that are individually wrapped.

· Yearbook orders are due December 17th!

· See you back on January 4th. Enjoy your break and come back ready to learn, learn, learn. Your gift to me over break can be to read a little bit each day! J I will miss you all!

· · SCHOOL WEBSITE: http://jbe.levyschools.org/r/home

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